London Trip Tickets

sold out

πŸš€ Take off with DUCSS on a tech odyssey to London! πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ From 4-7 March '24, dive into the digital pulse of the city with exclusive access to giants like Microsoft, Intercom, Bloomberg and many more. 🌐

🎟️ Snap up your ticket before they sell out and book your Ryanair flight (~€40)! What's included in your ticket?

πŸ›οΈ 3-night stay

πŸ₯ Daily breakfast

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Behind-the-scenes company tours

πŸ”¬ Science Museum visit + movie


✨ Network, learn, and live it up in London! #LondonTechTrek

πŸ”— Get your ticket & start planning!

Detailed tinerary will be provided to those who purchase tickets

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